Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Birds Yo!

Okay, cutting to the chase.

im in Florida, we went bird watching (so what?!?!), and it was super rad. We had the convertible which is officially the coolest bird watching vehicle ever. oh, and we saw gators. real gators.

The whole day started with the ultimate goal of finding the sun. Before I showed up on Monday, St. Augustine, Florida had amazing sunny days with 85 degree's without humidity. Since I got here, it's been overcast or raining and maybe 70. I'm not okay with this. So, our mission to find the sun, morphed into our mission to go the National Wildlife Refuge at Cape Canaveral. The refuge has over 140,000 acres dedicated to the preservation of wetland habitat for birds, which utilize the refuge heavily during migration.

Long wait is over. check out the photos.

to my bird friends. what the heck is this bird? (not the sandpiper)

Egrets in the road

no clue what these are, but they sure look cool

red winged black-bird

Not sure what these are, but they sure look like they're having fun

Roseate Spoonbill - won the cool bird of the day award


1 comment:

  1. Sweet pictures... thanks for sharing! The top one are coots and then white ibises below and then those wacky stilts. Nayyyyture... yay!
