Monday, October 11, 2010


So, today we have 80 7th graders showing up for Mountain School, and I am one of the teachers. To say that I'm not nervous or scared is a complete lie. 5th graders are cool, they haven't really figured stuff out yet... i feel like 7th graders are on the cusp of figuring it all out and playing with play-dough might not be there thing. So, here's to getting creative in the next 3 hours before they show up... and hoping that playing in the dirt and exploring will still work for them. If not, well then, they're just going to be stuck in the outdoors and they're going to like it.

Tomorrow i'll post some pictures from our grad retreat from the Methow valley. We visited the tripod fire location, and one of the many areas harmed by the mountain pine beetle. All and all, successful bouts of learning.

Off to find coffee and to come up some good ideas stat. enjoy your day. 45 and sunny here, and snow level is at 4500 feet for the day... pleasant reminder that winter is on the way!

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