Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm pretty sure the blinding orb in the sky providing warmth and light is the sun... but it's been so long that i'm not quite sure. If we could send astronauts up into the sky to further confirm my hypothesis, i'd greatly appreciate it.

The black-capped chickadee has picked up its pace when issuing its call. Typically it's a very slow chhhhick-(deep breath)-deeeee. Today though, i think this warming orb has spurred a sense of urgency so the call is now chickaaaaa-deee.

I'm in Bellingham this morning with the sun filling my living room... i'm slightly bitter that I already promised myself I'd stay indoors and work most of the day, but I think I might just have to venture outside in order to stay with it.

Which leads me to a question/request. So, i've been trying to weed the garden/lawn at our house here, just by pulling the daffodils out of the ground... which is pretty darn difficult. Those roots are like steel!! Does anyone have any suggestions for an organic non-pesticide weed remover? See, i'm asking this question based on my reader base that has grown from 2 to the thousands, so I'm sure in no time i'll have an answer.

On a different note, i journeyed to the big city yesterday to attend some meetings. It was bizarre going to Seattle with the "in-and-out" strategy in mind, but then again I was just a side-kick. It was also bizarre going to meetings where I sat quietly and just listened. It's kind of nice to be an observer versus an engaged participant. You always leave with a much different perspective.

Okay. i'm breaking free. im moving this laptop and "desk" outside to bask in the sun. Today, i will get a tan.

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