Tuesday, July 6, 2010


On Thursday of last week we embarked on the grand voyage of the Skagit River. We paddled a total of 16 miles with the current, but slightly into the wind. It was an amazing time. We'd raft up from time to time and discuss our surroundings which included identifying trees or pondering how the skagit tribes used to paddle up stream to their communities after trading or acquiring goods in the valley.

Here are some pictures from the trip for your viewing enjoyment:

Passing by the remnants of a glacial moraine. This deposit was left approximately 10-15,000 years ago when the Piedmont glacier receeded
Raft up time with the grads and our professor & Executive Director of the learning center. At this point we could have been discussing anything from sunburns to Alder growth and why i kept thinking they looked like birch trees. ( i swear, they look like birch trees)

Paddling past clear cut on the Skagit

Sorry for the delay on getting something up this week. I'm currently sans internet at the house, and we had to go to Baker Lake on Thursday morning for an overnight.

Next week we'll be at the learning center the whole time, so i'll make sure to post some stuff while i'm up there. One day will be an 8 hour trip on Ross Lake on the Mule!

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