Wednesday, March 16, 2011



1. A few years ago i had to go on a trip to China that was pretty stressful. On my way there, i had to fly through Tokyo's Narita airport. I still remember listening to this song as we flew over Japan and then landed. I remember walking through the airport surrounded by signs and words I did not understand and a culture I never really knew. I was pedaling going nowhere tonight, and this song came on and i could even smell the plane and remember looking out beyond the tarmac to the fields beyond. I remember thinking i wish i had planned a few days to stay over in Japan to finally see it... but i flew out to Hong Kong a few hours later. Maybe some day I will go... but for now, i'll listen to this song and remember the little I knew of Japan in place of turning on the tv to know what it is now.

2. tomorrow is graduation for the cohort ahead of me... which means i'll be graduating in a year... which is a good thing and a bad thing. Being in school and living here is pretty amazing, so i'm sad to see that end... but racking up debt is not amazing. So, yeah, one more year!!

3. I learned a few days ago that the latin name for the American Robin is Turdis Migratorius. Who comes up with something like that?! The reason we were talking about Robins is because they have nearly blanketed the landscape here in the past few weeks. They really are everywhere around, which is a fantastic signal for spring.

4. I start teaching again on Monday, and that's pretty darn exciting. Kids!!!

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