Monday, March 14, 2011

Snow Lobster

So, yesterday i posted about the snow lobster... pictured here for those that do not check my blog regularly:

The snow lobster looks pretty darn gross and like it will kill me at any second.

Well, i asked around today and learned a few things about the snowlobster. It's not known as a snow lobster... its actual name is: Hellgramite. not kidding. the word "hell" is used in it's name.

But more importantly, i found the Dobson Fly in it's larval stage, which is when it's called a Hellgramite. So, here's a picture I found of the Dobson Fly online:

The guy who took the above photo said it was larger then the size of his hand.

I just included the cat so there was something nice and fuzzy and cute to lighten the mood.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, i'm traditionally pretty stoked on nature. but seriously, what the hell is this thing?! I searched diligently (for 5 minutes) online to figure out what this insect does for nature... all i found out about was how kids in Appalachia use the thing for bait, after being dared by friends to search under rocks in the stream to pull them out. Oh, i forgot to mention that their pincers in the larval stage can draw blood.

So, there's your nature bite for the day. enjoy. im going to go find more pictures of cute animals.


  1. I appreciated the kitty picture. meow :)

  2. Good post - I had no idea those two were the same thing. Seen the fly's a lot as a kid around rivers. Have only seen the larva once - hard to catch in running water, which apparently they like.
