Monday, February 14, 2011

Birds who flock together....

try to shit on your head.

On Wednesday forever ago, the grads finished up their three day long winter naturalist retreat by going bird watching. Not too sound like too much of a dork, but I was looking forward to this. I have this insane fascination with now knowing the name of everything I see... this was based on a quote that essentially said that you cannot care for something until you know its name. Take a second and think about how true that really is. When you know the name of a mountain, you typically are fascinated with it for one reason or another. Or, when you know the name of an animal, you sometimes are compelled to "save it" (i.e. polar bears). So, if my ultimate goal in life is to save the world, i better start learning a ton of names.

So, i've become fascinated with learning more about birds. They're pretty darn cool, and they have these beautiful songs that are unique to each and every species. There are these little guys that hang out in the bush in front of the picture window in my living room in Bellingham. I hear them every morning, and there are easily 20 - 30 of them.. and they're pretty darn cute. They went from being some small cute bird to the Black-cap Chickadee. Then i noticed it had a friend the other morning, with a brownish head. Thankfully, i have a bird guide now, and i figured it was a Chestnut-back chickadee. Anyway... im getting away from the point.

here are some photos from birding. It was rad.

The grads looking upon a flock of Tundra Swans and Trumpeter Swans

Dad using the binocs while chasing a Red Tail Hawk

Dad & I with thousands of snowgeese (no exaggeration)

The Snowgeese were startled by two eagles and took flight

And crash landed into each other

I took a video of the snowgeese in flight. You can check it out on youtube here.

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