Monday, February 28, 2011

Trip planning

I really enjoying going on vacation... and more importantly, i really like going on vacation to really amazing places. I've been pretty lucky over the past few years to have some pretty rad mini vacations and some pretty huge big vacations (biking in Europe, back-packing in Alaska, floating the Grand Canyon and etc.)

So... i've been pretty bummed at myself for not having any spectacular ideas for what I want to do for a month long vacation I have starting in August and ending around September 20th... until about 10 minutes ago. I'm going to get in my car and drive. yes. those are my plans. However, i will do things while in this car. I will drive down a highway, i will buy gas, i will eat food and i will see things. Yes. things. great things. What are those things? Not really sure yet... need to do more research. Current plan is to spend a few days in yosemite (or skip it all together). Just park the car and go hiking and running for a bit.... then head on down to the grand canyon and run around there for a bit and check out the rim side of life. On the way i'm going to stop at various locations such as: Crater Lake National Park, Redwoods, Sequoia National Park, Death Valley, Bryce Canyon, Zion, Canyonlands, Glen Canyon, Dinosaur and then head on back up North. Probably going to run alot. might bring a bike... might not. probably just running shoes.

It's going to be amazing... and im going to go through a crap load of gas, but once again... pretty darn amazing.

If you're interested in joining me at any point on this fun journey through the southwest U.S of A... let me know. I'll need help with gas money :)

So, time to brush up on some Ed Abbey and venture toward the land of cacti and waterfalls.

“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.”
- Ed Abbey

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